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Cyber Security

Cyber Security

Course Description

Cyber attacks are becoming increasingly common in the 21st century: Security breaches have increased by 11% within the last 12 months and 67% since 2014.

Hackers attack every 39 seconds, on average 2,244 times a day. During 2019, 71% of breaches were financially motivated and 25% were motivated by espionage.

You’re more likely to experience a data breach of at least 10,000 records (27.9%) than you are to catch the common flu this winter (5–20%, according to WebMD).

Who is this for?

This course is aimed at any UK company that has and uses any IT solutions, including PC’s, laptops, iPads, mobile phones, social media accounts and email accounts. If your staff access any digital technology, your company is exposed to potential cyber attacks. 

Course Content:

The Cyber Security course covers the following:

• What Is Cyber Security Crime?

• The Social Engineering Attack Cycle

• Insider Threat Management

• Types of Attacks


Course Benefits:

This course puts Cyber Attacks/Security into perspective. Your workforce will understand:

  • How to deal with a cyber attack if all systems have been compromised.
  • What methods you can put in place to protect you and your establishment from cyber attacks
  • Different methods and types of cyber attacks that you may be exposed to.


Test and Certification:

At the end of the course you will be given a test of 20 multiple choice questions. The required pass rate is 85%.

You will be able to download and print (if required) a digital certificate on completion of the course.

(Refresher courses are available and recommended every 12 months).


All our courses have been independently certified as conforming to universally accepted Continuous Professional Development (CPD) guidelines.

Course Duration:

Main Course: Approximately 30 minutes (excluding time taken for the final exams).

ISA Support

Members of:

Fire Protection Association
Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce
Staffordshire Buisness & Environment Network
CHSG (Construction Health & Safety Group)

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