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Display Screen Equipment - Online Safety Course

Display Screen Equipment - Online Safety Course

Course Description

Employers are required by law to assess and reduce the risks of potential strains and stresses associated with display screen equipment (DSE) use. Employers are also required to provide training to ensure a satisfactory working environment for staff, helping to reduce musculoskeletal disorders (repetitive strain injury or RSI), visual fatigue and mental stress.


Who is this for?

If your staff work at computers or other display screens for more than one hour per day, you are legally required to provide DSE training.Health and safety regulations surrounding Display Screen Equipment aim to protect employees working at desks, in front of computer screens and/or with keyboards and monitors.

Course Content:

The DSE course covers: 

  • How to prevent injuries associated with the incorrect use of DSE equipment. 
  • How to maintain correct posture when using DSE equipment. 
  • How to comply with DSE legislation. 

Course Benefits:

Around 1 million people in the UK suffer from a musculoskeletal disorder caused, or made worse, by their current or past work. Many of these people have had to claim compensation.This course enables you to protect your business by protecting your staff.Staff can complete their training at any time to suit your needs.


Test and Certification:

At the end of the course you will be given a test of 20 multiple choice questions. The required pass rate is 85%.

You will be able to download and print (if required) a digital certificate on completion of the course.

Main course certificates last 3 years. (Refresher courses are available and recommended every 12 months).


All our courses have been independently certified as conforming to universally accepted Continuous Professional Development (CPD) guidelines.

Course Duration:

Main Course: Approximately 30 minutes (excluding time taken for the final exams).

ISA Support

Members of:

Fire Protection Association
Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce
Staffordshire Buisness & Environment Network
CHSG (Construction Health & Safety Group)

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